Pool Blaster® Aquarium Cleaner®

Pool Blaster® Aquarium Cleaner®

Pool Blaster® Aquarium Cleaner®
Battery Powered Aquarium Cleaner
Designed and Engineered in the United States by Water Tech™. Water Tech™ has won numerous awards for its Pool Blaster® Battery powered pool cleaners that are used to clean pools, ponds and large fish tanks around the world. Water Tech™ knows how to vacuum under water and have used 18 years of technological know-how to deliver this breakthrough patented product. This vacuum was designed from years of experience and can-do things the other vacuums on the market can not do. Can be used with fine sand, fine gravel, soil, very heavy excrement and large stones. Designed for small to large aquariums, for fresh water or saltwater aquariums.
SKU #:12A0000
UPC #:852506007089
Product Features
Product Specs
- Powered by 3 C Cell Batteries (Not Included)
- Works In Depth Of 5 Inches To 15 Feet
- Unique 2 Stage Micro-Filter
- Warranty: 90 Days